TipTopSecurity has finally been transitioned to a fully HTTPS website! So naturally, I thought this would be the perfect time to explain what that means. Read on for a complete explanation. Note: This article explains the older RSA encryption method. The newer ECC method is arguably better, however RSA is
How Does Antivirus Work?
It’s a mysterious thing, antivirus. I mean, how do you know if it’s even working? What’s it doing, anyway? How Antivirus Programs Detect Malware Antivirus programs detect more than just viruses. A virus is only one type of malware. Malware is a broader term for any devious program that you
All About VPNs
What is Cryptographic Hashing? MD5, SHA, and More
All About Heartbleed
How Wireless Passwords are Hacked
How Does Digital File Shredding Work?
To make sure your data is gone for good, it needs to be mercilessly destroyed by virtual shredding. But what does “shredding” mean exactly when you’re talking about digital data? Your files aren’t stored on paper, after all. Why is File Shredding Necessary? When you click the “delete” button and
What is Encryption? The Science and Mystery Behind Keeping Your Data Safe
Encryption is simply scrambling your information to keep it secret from eavesdroppers. Like using a Cap’n Crunch decoder ring (yes, I just dated myself). The science of cryptography, as it’s known, is a timeless practice, going back several thousands of years to ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese. But we’re talking